Thursday Thirteen – 0707.19

Thirteen Things about MissMeliss
13 Things that begin with L

  1. Lama / Llama: Whether it’s the venerated holy one, or the beast of burden, I like lamas and llamas. The one speaks to my soul, the other to the part of me that likes to pet animals. And because a T13 isn’t complete without a quotation, here, have some Ogden Nash.

    The one-l lama,
    He’s a priest.
    The two-l llama,
    He’s a beast.
    And I will bet
    A silk pajama
    There isn’t any
    Three-l lllama.

  2. Lamplight: Nothing is cozier than the soft glow of a soft pink bulb on a rainy day. Sometimes, especially in winter, I turn off the big lights and use lamps just for the mood. Kerosene lanterns are nice, as well.
  3. Lemons and Limes: I like oranges and tangerines, of course, but it’s the tarter citrus fruits that really spark my interest. I’m a great fan of lemons and/or limes in water, cranberry juice, tea, or just in pretty bowls – food as art. And in the summer, nothing beats a chilled lemon- or limeade.
  4. L’Engle, Madeleine: Her book A Wrinkle in Time was my first doorway into fantasy and science fiction, and it was by lamplight during a lightning storm that I curled up on a quilt in a good friend’s guest room with a bowl of carob chips and cool water, reading while my mother socialized. I was all of eight. Later, I began reading her general fiction and non-fiction. Her Crosswicks Journals are fascinating, and Certain Women is one of my favorite books to re-read.
  5. Levers: More than useful devices, levers remind me of my grandfather teaching me physics in a way my four-year-old self would grasp.
  6. Licorice: I like both kinds – red and black – but licorice also reminds of my grandmother’s “beach soap.” Tiny round cakes of black licorice-scented soap she’d stash in her beach tote in case the public restrooms were out of soap. Which they often were.
  7. Lightning: I love storms as much for the lightning as for the rain and wind. Nature’s fireworks are so primal and exhilerating.
  8. Lipstick: Black sunglasses and fuck-me-dead red lipstick were a favorite look when I was in college. Now? I favor coppery colors, though there’s this one tube of sparkly raspberry sorbet that I just love.
  9. Little Women: One of my favorite books ever, along with its three sequels. Jo March remains my hero.
  10. Lists: I like listing things, in the survey sense (as if my participation in this meme wasn’t a clue), but I don’t generally make “to do” lists.
  11. Lizards: I detest bugs, but I love lizards, especially the cute little geckos and anoles that populate my back yard and eat the mosquitoes and the fire ant eggs. I’ve always wanted a pet iguana, but dogs are better for interaction.
  12. Love: Whether it keeps us together, eases our minds, or is simply all we need, love is a pretty cool thing. Like ‘hate’ we tend to over-use it, but somehow such casual use doesn’t diminish it when it’s used in a meaningful way.
  13. Lyrics: I like music just fine, and while I appreciate classical pieces and instrumental fare, for me, it’s as much about the lyrics as the actual tune. Part poetry, part prose, often cheesy, somehow lyrics convey what spoken words simply cannot.

4 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen – 0707.19

  1. Little Women is one of my favourite books. Love lemons & limes, and red lipstick.

    My TT is up. It is about Whiskers the Wonder cat.

  2. I love the quote.

    I’ll add the word Luminous to the List, just because it sounds so Lovely. (Hee hee, 3 L’s for the price of one.)

  3. Kerosene…brings back memories of when I lived off-base in Japan in the winter and our house was heated by kerosene…what a smell!

    Licorice-scented soap? Interesting!

    Little Women (Jo was my fav, too), lemons, lightning, lizards, love…LOVE!

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