Thursday 13: 0709.27

Thirteen Things about MISS MELISS
Things that Begin with T

  1. Tackle Boxes My grandfather used to take me fishing from the pier in Atlantic Highlands, and we would sit on tackle boxes. Later, after he died, I liked to explore his tackle box, playing with the hooks and lures and all sorts of masculine treasures.
  2. Tangrams: These “dissection puzzles” are made from seven geometric shapes. You’re given an outline, and have to arrange the shapes to form the design. More fun than it sounds like, really.
  3. Tank Tops: I wear tank tops all the time, either under v-neck t-shirts, just layered, over bathing suits, or under button down shirts. They are a staple of my wardrobe.
  4. Tap dancing: My favorite kind of show dancing because you cannot tap-dance while being upset or angry. It’s just not possible. Tap-dancing is joyous, freeing movement.
  5. Taxis: I am a city girl. I like the luxury and ease of cab rides. Taking a cab up and down the hills of San Francisco can be as exhilarating as the biggest roller-coaster, by the way.
  6. Tea: I love coffee, of course, but I love tea as well. It can be soft and soothing, vibrant and stimulating, or deep and mysterious. Lapsang Souchong and Earl Grey are my favorite writing teas, and mint blends are my old stand-bys when I need something refreshing. I live on iced tea in the summer, and hot tea and soy chai lattes with honey in winter.
  7. Tesseracts: Madeleine L’Engle used them to demonstrate space-time concepts in A Wrinkle in Time but tesseracts have actually been around longer than that. You may know them by their other name: hypercube, although, just as all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares, all tesseracts are hypercubes, but not all hypercubes are tesseracts. You can’t really DRAW a tesseract, but…it’s sort of like cubing a cube.
  8. Texture: I love the way things feel. The cool softness of fresh sheets, the crisp brittleness of a fallen leaf, the moisture of drizzle, the plushness of Miss Cleo’s fur, the more wiry but still soft feel of Zorros, the slickness of ice, the way velvet changes texture depending on which way you brush the pile…I could go on forever.
  9. Theatre: There is something completely cathartic and marvelously magical about live performance. All other forms of entertainment lack the visceral connection between performer and audience, and the necessary level of willful suspension of disbelief.
  10. Tights: I hate pantyhose, but I love tights. Cotton, colorful, and not just hosiery, but a fashion statement in themselves. Also? Extremely comfortable when wearing boots.
  11. Tomatoes: My favorite way to eat them is just to pull them from the vine, brush any dirt off, and bite into their sun-warmed succulence, but, like Harriet the Spy, I’m a fan of tomato sandwiches as well. A little mayo, whole grain bread, and slices of tomato – cheddar cheese if I’m feeling particularly self-indulgent, sprouts if I’m trying to be uber-healthy – and I am a happy woman.
  12. Travel: I love experiencing new places and different cultures, though I like coming back home also. I like train trips more than planes, and would love to spend a summer on a wooden boat, but mostly, I just want to go and see and do.
  13. Trowels: My grandfather (it’s fitting that I start and end with him) kept a special set of gardening tools just for me. Petite sized handles with cushy foam, for digging beside him in the garden. The trowel is my favorite.

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24 thoughts on “Thursday 13: 0709.27

  1. Although I have never done it, tap dancing seems like it would be just as you described. Speaking of tap dancing, I learned the following tidbit from somebody’s Thursday Thirteen last week:

    As a child, Jim Carrey used to wear his tap shoes to bed just in case his parents needed cheering up in the middle of the night.

  2. I love different textures. I can spend an entire day in a fabric or craft store just touching everything. My first job was in a Hancock Fabrics so that I could put away the shipments of fabric and notions and get to experience everything.

    Wow, I haven’t thought about that in years. Thank you. :)


  3. I’m a tank top girl myself, but luckily I live somewhere warm enough that I have months and months where I don’t need to layer anything on top of them. And textures. I love textures.

  4. Oh yes, travel is wonderful. I like to see and do as well.

    I loved the story about the trowel. I had one of those too for helping in the garden as a child :)

  5. Great list! The difference between panty hose and tights is not subtle, tobe sure! I know exactly what you mean as I sit here in my tank top.

    Taxis and the city…What’s better?

  6. Watching tap dancing always brings a smile to my face! Yes, yes, yes, tomatoes, tanks and tights… tea…only if it’s iced.

    Most intriguing about the tesseracts.

    Happy TT! Thank you for visiting my list today.

  7. This is one of the best TT I have read in a while. What a great list. I love what you wrote about Tap-Dancing – so fitting!! Taxis, Travel, Trowel, Tights. Spot on. Except for tomatoes. I don’t do tomatoes. *grin*

    I’m here (again) via Michele! Hello from her and hello from me. Enjoy your weekend…

  8. I love these letter theme lists! I don’t know if I could come up with 13 things on one letter!

    I think tea and tomatoes are the only ‘T things’ we have in common LOL. Tangrams are one of the only puzzles I don’t like, I hate tights and pantyhose, I’m a scent person rather than feel, and I think I’ve been in maybe 5 taxis my entire life!

    Fun list! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Thanks for stopping by and for adding me to your blogroll. You have a great blog of your own. Of course, we can be friends. The friends in my computer are some of my best. I’m adding you also and am looking forward to visiting and commenting regularly.

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