Take My Hand and I Will Follow You

If you’ve been surfing other people’s blogs lately, you’ve probably noticed banners like this one:

U Comment I Follow

But you may not realize what it means. Actually, until last night, I didn’t either.

See, there’s this tag used in blogs a lot (no_follow) that turns links in comments into dead ends so search engines don’t crawl them. Originally, it was intended to stop comment spam, but we all know that doesn’t work.

Why, then, should we deny our blog visitors the link love they so richly deserve? We shouldn’t. So I’ve implemented a WordPress plugin called DoFollow, that makes my comment links “live.” I figure, if you’re leaving a comment here, you should get something out of it.

Mind you, comments are still moderated (the first time you post here, and if you have a comment with two or more links), anonymous comments are generally deleted (so please make sure there’s a way I can visit YOUR site, or send you an email, and use a valid address for ONE of those fields), and spam is NOT tolerated, but I’m all about sharing the link love.

For more information, go see DawudMiracle, and for a cute little icon, visit Randa.

3 thoughts on “Take My Hand and I Will Follow You

  1. Oh I WONDERED what that meant. I never took the time to find out, though. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll make sure my husband’s OK with adding it to ours. I didn’t actually realize WordPress defaulted to no follow.

  2. Oh, so that’s what that means.

    I thought it just meant that if I left a comment on someone’s blog, they would leave one on mine.

    Thanks for explaining that. I’ve been blogging for 18 months and I still had no idea.

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