
I don’t remember how I managed to acquire a copy of Richard Peck’s Ghosts I Have Been, but it was probably school-related, and I probably thought it sounded cool, or scary, or both.

In any case, I was easily hooked on the tale of Blossom Culp, a grade-school seer from the wrong side of the tracks who isn’t just a character of the book, she’s also the narrator and as she explains, she’s not only seen several ghosts, she’s also been a couple.

Blossom’s adventures have her travelling back and forth in time and distance, including a meeting with the Queen of England (she’s American, herself), and debunking a famous medium, but it’s the relationships between the characters that make the story so readable.

I definitely recommend it.

One thought on “Boo!

  1. We obviously share some taste in children’s books. I remember this one fondly. (And some other ones of his, too.)

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