But what does it MEAN to you?

Stolen from Blond Girl:
This is a word meaning meme where I write what Blond Girl’s words mean to me. Then I give you a new set of words so you can do the same thing. Fun, huh?

Blond Girl’s words for me:

sunrise – Hope and possibility, and the ultimate proof that even the darkest nights eventually end.
harmony – More than just musical synergy, it’s my version of zen – being at one with myself and the world around me.
affliction – I’m five years old when I hear this word, listening to my mother read about Amy March and her afflicted nose, cured with a clothespin at bedtime.
avocado – For some reason, this fruit means California to me. Dinners with USF friends, guacamole for Fuzzy, and avocado ice cream and Mitchell’s. (I so miss Mitchell’s ice cream). I try not to let it mean 1970’s era apartment decor.

My words for you:

brilliant –
irksome –
perfect –
wind –

Answer in comments, or in your own blog/journal/diary/thing.

5 thoughts on “But what does it MEAN to you?

  1. brilliant – I think of stars in the sky, english expressions, a high gloss
    irksome – a person I spent time with this weekend. I never learn.
    perfect – a cool, crisp fall day, trees ablaze with color
    wind – Late at night, in bed, it’s something I love to hear rustling the leaves on the trees

  2. Hey there! Since you stole this from me (thank you!) I won’t post it at my blog, but I will answer here for you:
    brilliant – I think of that Guiness commercial with the cartoon men saying “brilliant!” about everything. It’s kinda become a byline for me.
    irksome – little black midges that bite. I didn’t have to deal with them in Minnesota, but they sure are here in IL.
    perfect – God. None is truely perfect but God. In the world, though, it may have to be flowers.
    wind – OK, you’ll hit me, but I’m thinking of my dad here. When I read “wind” the very first thing I thought of was “breaking wind”. How horrible am I? It’s all his fault!

    Thanks for playing – and thanks for commenting on the phone!

  3. Brilliant: The polished sheen of the evening sky after a bright rain and a rainbow.

    Irksome: Someone whom I can never please– namely my mother, lol!

    Perfect: A rainy day, a pot of soup on the stove, and a good book.

    Wind: Blond Girl already said it, lol! But I think of my husband after he has a big bowl of chili and a couple beers ;-D

  4. I have nothing to say only that brilliant is my day.
    Irksome get some of MaMa’s hot fresh bread.
    Puuurfect is my crazy cat.
    Wind is just wind.

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