…and I’ve been telling Fuzzy I need one for months, and half-expected he’d buy one for Christmas, except that I said I wanted to pick it. Today, he called me over to an aisle in Target (of all places) that I hadn’t even planned to visit, and said, “Look at these.” And so I did.

Click to enlarge.
What I saw was a shelf full of jewelry armoires. The one he’d eyed was called “Abigail,” but it was a little to prissy and Colonial for me. (Coincidentally, my parents’ chihuahua is also called Abigail, and while she’s not Colonial, she is prissy.) A few options down the row was the “Paige” model, which sports the clean lines that I love in styles like Mission, Shaker, and Danish Modern (not that those are at all similar, mind you, because they all interpret clean lines in different ways). “Paige” is very square, with metal fittings that aren’t fussy, and even though she doesn’t match the wood of our bed and my dresser, she blends well enough. I don’t believe everything has to be matchy-matchy. Sometimes having something that doesn’t match can be a pleasant surprise.

Click to enlarge.
She was on sale for $49 (which, incidentally, is only $15 more than I paid for a more conventional, dresser-top jewelry box that I bought for my mother in 1980), and since she’s an armoire, she doesn’t clutter the dresser-top but occupies a section of wall near Fuzzy’s dresser (which we had to move down the wall some, but it’s all good.).
Despite balking about it initially, after he was plied with chips, queso, sweet tea and a chimichanga from Don Pablo’s, Fuzzy put her together for me, and I spent a pleasant hour hanging all my jewelry. The bottom drawer is filled with perfume samples. The second from the bottom holds my bandannas.