Mighty Mel

Today I learned that exercise can totally be a popup blocker for the soul. How so? In the middle of a day where I felt tired, icky, stuck, and stale, I went upstairs and worked out with my new weight machine for an hour (I’ve noticed that there are some exercises I can totally feel in my abs, even when they’re ostensibly targeting other parts of the body, but that’s for another time.)

I love this machine. Granted, it’s still new, still a toy and not a chore, but I love that I can be in my library, with the huge wall of windows, and watch the trees and life on the street, and be inside my own head, and enjoy sweating.

I never thought I’d find myself typing those two words.

I know, intellectually, that my funk was broken, at least for a bit, because exercise releases endorphins. I know that two workouts is just a baby step (the first was Monday), but I’m really proud of myself for doing two more reps on every exercise today than I could on Monday, and I’m even prouder of myself (more proud? Whatever.) for going up there today when what I really wanted to do was turn on the heating bad and eat brownies in bed.

The year will keep turning. My funk will eventually dissipate completely.
I have hope now.

6 thoughts on “Mighty Mel

  1. I’ve had a similar experience lately as I’m trying to get back into a walking/bike riding routine. I always forget how good it feels to get the blood pumping and the joints lubricated. Yay for endorphins.

    Hope you feel better all round :)

  2. Think each and every on of us felt excitement of work out after brake at least once. It’s great feeling so enjoy it while it lasts and be proud whenever you workout instead of skipping it for comfort of sofa or something like that.

  3. I certainly have felt the benefits of regular exercise ever since I got my dog back in October and commenced walking. In addition to losing 22 pounds I feel so much more alert and well balanced. I’m glad I have him there to keep me motivated.

  4. You just need to keep up with the excercise. It’s hard the first couple weeks but after you get used to it, you will feel great after every workout.

    Michele said hi too.

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