I Think I’m Writing this In My Sleep

I'm usually very nocturnal, but this whole week I've been craving sleep like nothing else. Tonight, I was in bed by ten, and watching endless reruns of Stargate, but turned out the light before midnight. I just woke up, about five minutes ago, from a very surreal dream in which Fuzzy and my parents and I were driving down highway 17 in an RV stocked with gourmet snacks, en route to a vampire hunters convention. I blame the Godiva truffles that arrived at my door this evening.

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Yesterday, I was completely amused by the date – 01-02-03. Okay, that was the day before yesterday, as it's technically the 4th, but fiscally, it was yesterday for me.

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Buffy Season 3 comes out on Tuesday. Which means we have to finish watching Babylon 5 Season 1 this weekend so that I won't have to fight for the good tv.

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I'm spending the afternoon tomorrow (Saturday) having a facial and a manicure. Yay, girly stuff. Being self indulgent is fun.

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I'm still sleepy, and the sentences in my mind are all incoherent, flowing like a James Joyce novel, so I'd better go back to bed. Except it's hot in here. Ugh. Well…night.