Note to Self:
Your spiffy new computer glasses do absolutely nothing for your eye strain and headaches if you do not take them out of the box and wear them.
That is all.
Note to Self:
Your spiffy new computer glasses do absolutely nothing for your eye strain and headaches if you do not take them out of the box and wear them.
That is all.
We went to bed right after I clicked “publish” on my last Blogathon entry at 8:01 this morning (by 'this' morning I mean Sunday, not Monday). I was up at eleven AM, hungry and with dogs needing a bathroom run, but went back to bed at two, and slept til seven. At that point I made Fuzzy get up and feed the dogs.
Woke up again at eight, showered, had food, watched a bit of a tivo'd ER, recoded my blog – my old template had never been 100% IE friendly, and the volume of posts from yesterday made it 0% IE friendly, so I found another WP theme I liked, and tested it on FireFox AND IE, and I think it's actually nicer than the old one.
To catch up with the Happiness Challenge:
08/05: The friend I wrote about in that “Blood Sisters” piece loved the story, and we've been emailing and catching up.
08/06: Wow, all these cool people commented on my blogathon posts – it was so great having you all take that journey with me!
08/07: Sleep, blissful sleep. Sleep never feels better than when you haven't had any for a while. Also a hot shower can be miraculous, and not merely a thing of convenience.